“Letter to the Editor”
by A. Christian
In the past two decades it has become so unpopular to be a
white, Christian, native-born American that we who are that most proud being on
earth have learned to be silent in the name of “tolerance.”
But now we have come so far in “tolerance” that we may lose
all that we would save—racial pride, religion, freedom and our Country.
We are a Christian Nation. That other religions are accepted
within our borders is a glorious commentary on the righteousness of
Christianity and is true tolerance.
Christian Caucasians created this Nation and they brought it
forth in order that they and their children might worship God and follow the
teachings of Jesus Christ without persecution. They intended that this be a Christian
Nation and that generations of Americans be raised here in the pursuit of
Christian customs and faith.
Because we are Christians, we have loved all mankind and we
have been tolerant to all men, all faiths, in following Christ. And so our
Nation has become a “melting pot” of all religions and all races, and the
spirit of “we” has a hold on us all and we have been "fellow Americans”
and “brothers'* in tolerance.
But of late, our very tolerance has been turned viciously
against us and the things we believe and our pride.
We are now the victims of intolerance. We are no longer
allowed to practice our Christian faith as we will.
And now we are told that our little children in our
Christmas school plays must not speak of “We who believe in Christ” lest the
Christian phrase lessen the belief of a Jewish child in the faith of her
Mr. Adams, who is so concerned that the word “We” will
contaminate the mind and life of his child, might look closer to home for a
Christian word which daily and all through her life his child shall bear—Adams.
Adams is a most honorable, most Caucasian, most Christian name. No Jewish
family could come by it except through assimilation or name-change. So every
time that child speaks her name she utters a Christian word.
And it might be well for the Christian parents of children
attending Mr. Adams’ school to find out how much “tolerance" they are
being taught under a man who objects to Christmas.