1961-02-16 Topanga Journal - "Hopeful Signs: Patriotic Americans Answering the CommUNists" by Laura B. Gaye

“On the Gaye Side” column

"Hopeful Signs"

by Laura B. Gaye
Within the past few months some modestly hopeful signs have sprung up. Study groups have come forward; the John Birch Society is making itself felt in a great many Communities. The study groups I know are concentrating on Cardinal Cushing’s “Questions and Answers on Communism'' because it is one of the most unbiased and frank discussions on the subject, as well as a guide for proposed action against the CommUNist line.
A number of individuals, at their own expense, have purchased film projectors and are showing the film "Operation Abolition" and "CommUNism On The March." Schools, church, groups and organizations can book these films at no cost. The John Birch Society is making a tremendous contribution to educating the public on CommUNistic propaganda. Their membership is nominal, it hardly seems like a membership fee at all. Women only pay $1 per month and men $2. The information sent fellow members is worth ten times this amount. It has set off a letter-writing campaign in defense of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. This action is the first evidence of patriotic Americans answering the CommUNists’ campaign for withdrawal of this worthy Committee. However, if we pause just a moment, we realize that these activities, splendid as they are, form only a meager beginning. Think of the years we have been asleep and the long period of Red pressure on official Washington, State and Local Governments. They have become old hands by now, with domination of one third of the Earth's surface. But, never underestimate the power of true Americans... once they start rolling, like the snowball, it soon becomes an avalanche. This is one time it will show how much perseverance we possess. Heroes are not born, they emerge from fire, and because they do not give up with the first signs of battle. What Can I Do? This question has been put to me many times so, (with our Editor's permission) it is this: The mere fact that you have questioned yourself means that you are on the way to your particular part of the answer. You will be amazed how quickly God opens doors for you when you are motivated by determined hope, not gloomy despair. Everyone watches TV and when a program is slanted, it only takes a sheet of paper and a 4c stamp to write the producer and remand him of his obligation to the public. Or you may have friends who are not aware of the "great push" to brain-wash America, for an easy take-over. Talk to them, one idea begets another, soon you will be a real booster for America. Read and do more reading. Be sure it is the right stuff. At the top of every list should be J. Edgar Hoover’s "Masters of Deceit."

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Topanga, California, United States
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