From “Trust, Faith, Prejudice, and Hate”
by Charles Hinman
Topanga Journal Publisher
TRUST is reserved only for KNOWN people. I feel that I only KNOW my FAMILY and SELF. However, like something allegedly said to a wife, "Me thinks everybody's crazy, except me and thee, and sometimes I've wonders about thee."...
PREJUDICE is a natural safety for SELF-interest and SELF-preservation; something to be encouraged....
...all are human, with our same INSTINCTS, including natural, strong pride and prejudices. That is where FREEDOM OF CHOICE including ASSOCIATION is so important for UNDERSTANDING, RESPECT and PEACE. The best solution is the right to be left alone, to have nothing to do with unlike interests in business or pleasure, and to have some place to go with KNOWN people having like interests....
[1963-02-14 Topanga Journal:]
From "Bureaucrats as Servants, Not Tyrants or Gods"
by Charles Hinman
Topanga Journal Publisher
Whenever any man, today or anytime, seeks to impose his will, by LAW—compulsion, on his fellow man, who has not hurt him, for the imposer's own gain, that is plain tyranny. This is modern bureaucracy today. If there is compulsion, but no actual or PROVEN probable injury or PROVEN nuisance, or court order on sworn complaint of one claiming injury, it is a violation of our Fundamental Freedoms. A violation of God! That is why I bought this paper, to better define the fundamentals of real Freedom of each person to PURSUE Happiness in his own way, but not impose his human will or him SELF on others, if not wanted, like forced tolerance in religion, or forced integration of races.
God gave man a mind to choose for SELF, or to discriminate what is good for SELF.