“Letter to the Editor”
Dear Sir:
I wish to protest the growing trend toward Uglification of Topanga. I don’t know what the owner of Pine Tree Circle is up to, but I can't imagine anything else more beautiful or spiritually satisfying, not even a Bank, than the circle of beautiful old trees, which in a matter of hours was turned into a scene of utter desolation.
It may be possible to excuse the destruction of natural beauty on business property in the name of “Progress and Free Enterprise,” but what ails the Church to cut down a handsome example of God's own handiwork, a mountain lilac, to put up an ugly wooden cross resting on a base of fake rockwork. Perhaps it is properly symbolic of man's drive to do away with Nature altogether and leave only his own shoddy mark.
Perhaps others who are responsible for progress and beautification of Topanga will take a look at these latest sad examples of man’s so-called creativity, and have some second thoughts.
Phylliss Graham
21058 W. Hillside