1942-12-04 Topanga Journal - “Yippee-ee-e! Bring Your Bandana—But No Spurs, Please..."

“Yippee-ee-e! Bring Your Bandana—But No Spurs, Please; Hill Billies to Gather at Sylvia Park for Big Doings”


The big ‘Round-Up’ comes this weekend. Have you got that bandana around your neck? Or a ten-gallon hat? Spurs are barred—there’ll be dancing.
Pull up before the Sylvia Park Clubhouse at 6 p.m. on Saturday night. There’ll be beans ready for you, Ken Conner’s famous baked beans the likes of which no cowboy ever tasted. And the aroma of coffee in the air!
First you eat, then stroll around to see what wares the cowgirls have rounded up to tempt your Christmas purse. And wait till you see that display of home-cooked foods. In the corner room, Madame X will be on hand to read your palm or take a peek into the future with the cards.
Hi, you-all!
That will be the M.C. calling you to see the first number on the program. A lusty song or two, and you can shout your loudest. Then you can grab yourself a partner and a-dancing you will go.
Raffles Galore
The smallest cowboy on the lot will draw the numbers for the raffles. Try your luck winning that turkey; or the pillow-cases to give to your Ma for Christmas; and the afghan—just wait till you see that: you’ll want to buy a herd of chances.
What’s that about the gas rationing? Ah, go on! There won’t be so much fun within another two hundred miles. And just think, this is all for Civilian Defense. The way these gals of ours have been dishing out materials and work, foods and gadgets, the way they've been trotting around gathering and disbursing and concocting, it would be darned ungrateful and unpatriotic if we didn't all turn out to give them a big hand. And say, how about meeting down at the Defense Headquarters, or in front of Topanga School and doubling up on this transportation? If you’ve got two or three, or only one, extra seats, stop by there and see it you can give someone else a lift. Or, if you’re gas-less, drop around there, and lasso the first passerby.
The Price Is Low
Your tickets will cost vou 55c, and don't forget that can of food that's to accompany it. Half-portions for children, 25c.
Whoa, Silver! Here we are, Topanga's biggest party. Fun tor everybody. We’ll be seein’ you!

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Topanga, California, United States
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