“Announce Meet to Form Sheriff’s Mounted Posse”
Suggested by Topanga Chamber of Commerce
For the possibilities purpose of discussing possibilities of organizing a Sheriff’s Mounted Posse for this district a meeting has been called for the Topanga Shopping Center, 8 p.m., Thursday, June 16, according to Capt. P. L. Sutton, of the Sheriff’s Malibu Station.
A request for the formation of such an organization was recently made by the Topanga Chamber of Commerce.
Eight requirements for membership were outlined by Capt. Sutton. The applicant must be—
1. Male.
2. Caucasian race.
3. Citizen of United States and a registered voter.
4. Reached his 21st but not his 60th birthday.
5. Supply identification as required bv the Sheriff’s Department.
6. Pass a reasonable medical examination as required.
7. Conform to troop equipment rules and specifications (mounts, etc.).
8. Carry public liability and property damage insurance, the minimum being $10,000 Comprehensive Personal Liability policy.
Lieut. Ivan Roller, co-ordinator of all Sheriff’s Mounted Posses, will address the meeting and outline the procedure necessary to form, an organization.
Lieut. Roller will also discuss the possibility of forming a Junior Posse composed of youngsters between the ages of 12 and 21 years who reside in this area and who have the necessary mounts and equipment at their disposal.
All persons interested in this movement should attend the meeting and lend their support. It is believed another community need can be filled in the near future.